
HANA New Version DJ REMIX-2020


Special incidents on Poya Days - අවුරුද්දේ මාස 12 තුල ඇති පොහොය දින 12 වැදගත්කම....

wjqreoafoa udi 12 ;=, we;s fmdfydh osk 12 jeo.;alu¡ wo 2015 jif¾ uq,au fmdfydh oskh wdrïN jqkd¡ wms n,uq fï tla tla fmdfydh oskfha úfYaI isÿùï¡ 01.  ÿre;= mif<diajl fmdfydh ,lajdiS fn!oaOhska uy;a yrißka isysm;a lrkq ,nk nqÿka jykafiaf.a m%:u ,xld .ukh isÿjQ ÿre;= mqr mif,diajl fmdfyda Èkh wohs' iquk iuka foúhkaf.a wdrdOkdj u; nqÿkajykafia ,laÈjg jevu fldg we;s w;r kej; oUÈjg jevu lrkakg m%:u ,lajdiS fndÿkqjkag jkaokd lsÍu i|yd flaYOd;= ñgla ,ndÿka nj;a tu Od;= ksokafldg uyshx.k ffp;H bÈl< nj;a Ydik b;sydifha  i|ykah' tfyhska uyshx.K iEh wo o fn!oaOhskaf.a uy;a f.!rjdorhg m;a jQ ia:Qmhls' ìñìidr rcq úiska nqÿka we;=¿ uy iÕrejkg fõ¿jkdrduh mQcd lf<ao ÿre;= fmdfydh Èkfha§ nj fn!oaO b;sydifha oelafõ' ÿre;= udih t<efUkafka ne;snr yeÕ=‍ï jv jvd;a fn!oaO ckS ckhdf.a is;a i;ka ;=< my< lerjñks' isßmd iuh we/UqfKa W÷jma mqr mif<diajl fmdah Èkfha h' l%sia;= mQ¾j yhjk ishjfia nqÿrcdKka jykafia oUÈj my< jQ iufhys wm rfÜ jdih lf<a hlaI"...

How to make web information Guid Sinhala Lessons -2020

Website Basic Guide fjí wvú ks¾udKh .ek uQ,sl wjfndaOh’ Tkak wms Thd,g wrf.k wdfõ ;j;a Tnf.a oekqu jeä oshqKq lr.kak mq¿jka  IT  mdvula lsh,d fokakhs’ fndfyda fokd fjí wvú .ek iy fjí wvú  äjf,dma .ek wy,d we;s fka¡ fjí äjf,dma lrk whg iy w¨f;ka iïnkaOfjk whg jákd mdvula Tn fj; wms f.k tkjd¡ we;a;gu lsjqfjd;a fjí wvúhla ks¾udKh lsÍu yd th mj;ajdf.k hdu mqoa., iuQyhla iyNd.S jk lKavdhï l%shdjls’  b;ska wms Thd,g lsh,d fokak hkafka fï fjí wvú ks¾udKfhaoS tla tla mqoa.,hdg wh;a N+ñld lsysmhla .ekhs’  fyd|hs wms oeka n,uq fudkjo lsh,d’ m%ldYl  fjí wvú mrsmd,l  mßYS,lhka  fjí wvú ks¾udml  ixialdrl  (Editor) –  fla; ,sùu ,  fodaI mrslaIdj yd fodaI ksjeros lsÍu’ fjí wvú m%ldYhg m;a lsÍu’  (publicaion of a website)   fjí wvúhla ks¾udKh lsÍu ,  fjí i;aldrlhla  (web host)  fj;g Wvq.; lsÍu’ jßka jr isÿ lrk hdj;ald,Sk lsrSï yd m, lsÍï hk lreKq fjí wvúhla m%ldYhg m;a lsÍug wh;a fõ’ ta i|yd fjí wvú m%ldYlhl= ...

Computer Hardware two work shop


A smartphone with a 150MP Camera from Xiaomi ?

Xiaomi plans to launch the world's first 150MP camera by the end of 2020. We expect this to be a very attractive look, as Xiaomi is one of the most successful manufacturers of  Xiaomi will be the first mobile maker to incorporate the new 150MP sensor into mobile phones using the technological know-how it has developed day by day. Xiaomi, a 150MP ISOCELL sensor, will be launched in the fourth quarter of this year, he added. electronic devices in China. Their branches are spread all over the world. One of the most famous tipsters, or frequent collector of information,  Ice Universe , shared a  post on Weibo  saying that Samsung is planning to launch a 150MP camera sensor later this year. Xiaomi was the first brand to use the Samsung 108MP ISOCELL Bright HMX Sensor on the Mi CC9 Pro / Mi Note 10 last year, so it is speculated that Samsung's next high-resolution sensor will be available for the first time from a Xiaomi device.

Newest member of the Apple family, the iPhone SE (2020)

Apple presented their most recent cell phone yesterday. It's known as the iPhone SE. What makes this iPhone uncommon is its moderateness. These highlights are found here - Same size of the iPhone 8, the unique mark button on the base of front, the iPhone 11's processor (A13 Bionic processor), and the iPhone XR's camera framework are only a couple of new abilities. See the presentation video beneath, It does not include a Face ID and has a Touch ID just like the iPhone 8. It also includes Apple Pay Express Transit. This feature is currently only available on iPhone XS, iPhone XR and iPhone 11 phone models. The 4.7-inch phone will be available with 64GB and 128GB storage, starting at $399. You can get this iPhone SE smartphone in the colors Gray, Silver and Red. Apple's cell phones have been offering support for their telephones for quite a while, not at all like most other cell phone creators. As this iPhone SE cell phone is the most recent processor a...